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Éditions d'élite et de luxe de smartphones Apple iPhone et étuis uniques pour Apple iPhone. Tous les modèles sont sortis en édition limitée. Uniquement sur commande privée Uniquement fabriqué à la main et sur mesure par Art-Studio MJ - www.mj777.com. Les coques et boîtiers de téléphones sont fabriqués en or véritable, platine, argent, diamants, cuir exotique, fourrure, bois, pierre, os. Les modèles sortis en exemplaire unique sont fabriqués à partir d'alliages uniques de métaux précieux, décorés de brillants de taille unique et gravés par des poinçons nominaux. Monogrammes incrustés sur mesure, signes du zodiaque, initiales, emblèmes d'État et autres symboles et logos uniquement pour les propriétaires de nos clients.

* La personnalisation individuelle MJ ne peut être effectuée qu'avec les produits originaux et certifiés Apple. Achetés dans les magasins de détail d'origine ou chez le client. Tous les téléphones de personnalisation de luxe basés sur l'iPhone Apple d'origine - www.apple.com

Sur commande individuelle, tous les types et couleurs de cuir exotique avec incrustations d'emblèmes de métaux précieux et de pierres précieuses. Tous les téléphones sont basés sur les produits originaux Apple - www.apple.com - Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16, SE, etc.
Unique Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max VIP Netherlands Edition made of Alligator Leather and Solid Gold by MJ.

Modèles personnalisés de téléphones Apple iPhone 16 Pro en cuir classique et exotique avec personnalisation en or et diamants. Sur commande individuelle, l'iPhone 16 Pro Max, 15 Pro, 16 et tous les autres modèles sont décorés de cuir de toutes sortes et de toutes couleurs. Plus de 5 000 sous-espèces de la peau sont disponibles - crocodile, alligator, caïman, bison, veau, raie, cobra, python, requin, hippopotame, autruche, etc. Tous les téléphones sont basés uniquement sur les produits d'origine Apple - www.apple.com  - Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13 Mini, 13, 12, X, SE, etc.
Luxury Apple iPhone 16 Pro - Custom-Made of Genuine Leather with Gold and Diamonds by MJ

Apple iPhone 16 Pro dans la peau d'une raie, iguane, python, crocodile, anaconda, moniteur en lézard, anguille, éléphant, poisson, grenouille, serpent de mer ... Des commandes individuelles incrustées de symboles individuels en or blanc, or jaune, or rose, or noir ...
Luxury Customization Apple iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone Pro Max - Made of Genuine Skin and Precious Metals by MJ


Étuis exclusifs pour Apple iPhone 16 Pro et 16 Pro Max en cuir exotique avec personnalisation en or et diamants. Téléphones et accessoires basés sur les produits Apple originaux - www.apple.com.
Apple iPhone 16 Exotic Skins with Original or Individual Emblem - Luxury Customization by MJ.

Apple iPhone 16 Exclusive Edition Case made of Snake Skin with Original Logo of Platinum Gold 777k by MJ. The phones are based on the original Apple iPhone 16 or optionally on any other Apple models - www.apple.com

Cuir d'alligator véritable avec emblème en diamants - Personnalisation Elite par MJ pour Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16 Pro Max, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE etc. Apple iPhone 16 Plus exclusif en cuir d'alligator noir avec emblème en or blanc et diamants. Pour les commandes individuelles, toutes les espèces et couleurs de cuir exotique, d'or et de pierres précieuses. Les téléphones sont basés sur l'iPhone d'origine d'Apple ou, au choix du client, sur tout autre modèle Apple - www.apple.com

Coques personnalisées pour Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE 2025 etc. - Fabriquées à la main en métaux précieux, pierres précieuses et cuir exotique par MJ. Téléphones exclusifs et étuis VIP à partir de types de cuir exotiques, de métaux précieux et de pierres précieuses. Incrustations de n'importe quel blason, monogrammes, signes du zodiaque, emblèmes et autres symboles en or, platine, argent, diamants... Dans l'Art Studio MJ sont représentées plus de 5000 sous-espèces et couleurs de types de peau classiques et exotiques - www.skin.mj777.com. Les coques et téléphones personnalisés sont basés uniquement sur les produits Apple originaux.

Apple iPhone Plus Gold 24k et Apple iPhone SE 2024 Gold 24k - Fabriqué sur mesure en plaqué or 24 carats ou en or massif 750 carats par MJ. Apple iPhone dans des étuis en or véritable - Golden Apple iPhone SE 2024 et Golden Apple iPhone Plus ou X, XS, XR, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus... Pour une commande individuelle, iPhone 16 en or classique, or rose, or rouge, or blanc, platine... Les téléphones sont fabriqués à partir de tout type de métaux précieux de tous les carats et couleurs de bijoux. Les téléphones dorés sont basés uniquement sur les produits originaux d'Apple - www.apple.mj777.com

APPLE IPHONE PLUS & iPHONE SE CUIR DE CROCODILE AVEC OR ET DIAMANTS - SUR MESURE par MJ. Boîtier décoré de cuir de crocodile véritable et de moulage en or et diamants. Commandes individuelles de toutes sortes de couleurs et de peaux exotiques. Et combinaison avec des métaux précieux et des pierres précieuses. Tous les téléphones sont basés uniquement sur les produits originaux Apple - www.apple.com - Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE...


Étui luxueux pour Apple iPhone en cuir de crocodile blanc avec les armoiries de l'Ukraine en or et en platine. Pour les commandes individuelles, smartphones et étuis avec incrustations de toutes armoiries, monogrammes, emblèmes et tout autre signe.

Coques exclusives pour Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13 Mini, 13 Pro Max, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3g, 2g, SE avec des emblèmes en or blanc, rose et jaune, ainsi qu'en platine et diamants. Coques en cuir véritable - veau, bison, buffle, crocodile, raie électrique, anguille de mer, cobra, python, lézard, alligator, anaconda... En présence de plus de 5000 types et couleurs différents de cuir classique et exotique - www.skin.mj777.com. Les coques sont basées sur les coques originales d'Apple iPhone - www.case.mj777.com.
Custom Made of Mix Precious Metals and Diamonds Inlay Emblem for Apple iPhone 16 / X Limited Edition by MJ.

Handcrafted Case for Apple iPhone XS Max - Cover made of Snake Karung Leather with Golden Emblem of Russian Federation by MJ. VIP handmade cover for Apple iPhone from the skin of a water snake with the emblem of the Russian Federation of 777k gold. On individual orders customization of original cases and phones with high quality premium materials. Inlaying any symbolism from precious metals and precious stones from the Art Studio MJ

Téléphone exclusif avec boutons en or et armoiries de l'Ukraine. L'étui du téléphone est décoré de cuir noir du moniteur et d'or des 750 carats. Sur commande individuelle, incrustation de tous les emblèmes en platine coulée, argent ou or 14, 18, 20, 22, 23 ou 24 carats. En présence de cuir naturel de toute texture et couleur - cuir de crocodile, python, iguanes, requins, caïman, autruche, hippopotame, cobra...
Apple iPhone Gold Ukraine Edition made of Genuine Skin with Golden State Emblem of Ukraine and Golden Buttons - VIP Customization by MJ.

Luxury Case for Apple iPhone - VIP Cover made of Genuine Snake Black Leather with Country Emblem of Bulgaria by MJ. Exclusive Apple iPhone in the skin of a snake with an individual emblem of white gold and hot enamel. In the presence of leather snakes of any subspecies - cobra, anaconda, python, sea snake, boa, rattlesnake, karung and many other exotics. By order of inlaying any personal emblems, initials, signs, coats of arms and any other symbols of gold or silver.

Black Stingray Leather with Platinum Gold Horse - Luxury Cover for any models of Apple iPhone. A unique cover made of genuine leather ray with an inlay emblem of platinum gold 777k. On individual orders for copyright holders inlay any emblem of precious metals. In the presence of more than 5000 different types and colors of leather in combination with gold, silver, platinum ...

Apple iPhone 16 Gold / 16 Plus Gold - Handcrafted of Solid Gold, Platinum and Rose or Red Gold - Custom Made by MJ. The latest model of Apple iPhone 16 Solid Gold in cases of platinum, yellow gold and rose gold. Golden iPhone 16 in a case of pure gold. On individual orders it is possible to decorate 18k cast gold or 24k gilding. And also personalization of Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE with the help of inlay, laser engraving, stamping, airbrushing...


EXCLUSIVE APPLE IPHONE SE or 16 Pro Max or iPhone 16 GOLD CAST EDITION - ELITE CUSTOMIZATION by MJ. These phones of real gold. Apple iPhone 8 in the case (housing) of white, yellow and pink rose gold. Art Studio MJ is the world's first tuned VIP mobile phones latest models of iPhone Pro & iPhone Plus
Applies only solid gold 585, 750, 777, 888 and 999k - from 14 to 24 carats or solid platinum and palladium. Luxury phones are based on the original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE etc. www.apple.com

Black Snakes Apple iPhone Pro & iPhone Plus Customization by MJ - Anaconda, Viper, Python, Sea Snake, Karung, Boa etc. Customization original phones Apple iPhone SE and iPhone Ultra in black leather snake. Only genuine skins by MJ. By custom any color and kind of leather anaconda, python, sea snakes, cobra, vipers, karung, boa etc. As well as individual customization apple logo in white gold or platinum with real diamonds. Smartphones based on the original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE with memory from 128gb to 2tb

Elite Apple iPhone Kazakhstan State Emblem Edition by MJ.
Phone and Key Ring made of Solid Gold and Genuine Crocodile Leather. Exclusive Box made of Alcantara and Genuine Reptile Leather with Golden Inlay
On individual order any emblems, corporate logos, zodiac signs and any other symbols. Smartphones based on the original Apple iPhone any models 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8+, 7, 6, SE etc.

MJ Luxury Customization - Apple iPhone Silver and Gold with Exotic Leather.
For individual order inlay any state emblems or private symbols or monograms of yellow or white gold. Any color and species of exotic leather - crocodile, alligator, caiman, shark, elephant, hippo, ray, cobra etc. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 11, XS, XR, X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 6, SE... iPhone with 32gb, 64gb, 128gb, 256gb, 512gb, 1tb, 2tb... Original Color - Silver, Gold, Rouse, Black, Black Jet, Green, Blue, Red, Purple...

Exclusive Apple iPhone White Gold with Genuine Python Leather by MJ - iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 11, XS, XR, 8, 7, SE...
For Individual Order Inlay Logos on Phone and Box. Any Emblems, Monograms, Signs, Symbols. Gift Box made of Lizard Leather & Italian Alcantara Handcrafted by MJ

Elite Apple iPhone Platinum Gold 777 with Genuine Python Leather by MJ.
Customization Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6... Personalization Kazakhstan State Emblem or Any Other Emblems. Bonus keychains made of the same leather in the same style - www.keychains.mj777.com

Luxury Customization Apple iPhone Sterling Silver with Genuine Alligator Leather by MJ. Bespoke Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6s & 6s Plus Individual Personalization Made of Precious Metals

APPLE iPhone 16 Pro Max / 16 Pro / 15 / X / 8 / 8 Plus / SE - FUR EDITION with WHITE GOLD & DIAMONDS - CUSTOMIZATION by MJ. Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 plus, 8, 6 Plus, 6, SE and other models in the pony fur with leopard coloring. Individual orders customized smartphones any kinds of natural fur - mink, pony, lynx, wolf, lama, karakul, bear, polar fox, sable... All phones are based only on the original products Apple - www.apple.com

VIP APPLE iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16, 15, 14, 13 Mini, XS, XR, 8, SE STINGRAY LEATHER WITH RUSSIAN STATE EMBLEM - CUSTOMIZATION by MJ. Any model of Apple iPhone in the housing decorated with pearl stingray skin. On the phone or on the cover of the phone may be encrusted any emblem of gold of any color.

Customization for Apple iPhone Precious Metals by MJ (All REAL Jewelry Color). Exclusive tuning (Customization) smartphones Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 6s, SE etc. Apple iPhone Case (housing) production of genuine precious metals and genuine diamonds. Individual orders any kind, carats and colors of gold, platinum, palladium, silver, rhodium ... Only individual orders. Only jewelry handmade. Only alloy precious metals. All phones are based only on the original Apple iPhone 16 / 16 Pro Max 128gb or 512gb - www.apple.com

APPLE IPHONE SE GOLD CAST - ORIGINAL IPHONE SE with LUX TUNING by MJ. Royal Customize Apple Iphone SE Gold - White Gold, Yellow Gold, Pink Gold, Red Gold etc. Art Studio MJ introduced the world's first iPhone 5S in the buildings of this solid gold! A series of exclusive handsets from solid gold in different colors (white, yellow, pink, red, etc.) For individual order any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, SE, 6, 7, 8, X, XR, XS, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus etc. Vip phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE - www.apple.com

MJ Exclusive Tuning - Apple iPhone SE Gold Pure Cobra, White Crocodile, Royal Frog Red. all customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE 64gb - www.apple.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, SE...

Elite Tuning by MJ - Apple iPhone SE Exotic Skin - Frog Rock, Crocodile Tail, Shark. All customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone and accessories - www.apple.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Plus, 16, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE...

MJ Exclusive - Apple iPhone Special Edition -  Platinum, Palladium, Silver, Black Gold and White Gold with Exotic Hides. For individual order any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4, 4s, 5, 5s, se, 6, 6s, 7 8. 8 plus, X, XR, XS, XS Max, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Pro Max etc. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone.

Apple iPhone Exotic Leather Crocodile, Rainbow Stingray, Snake Unique - Exclusive Customize by MJ. All customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE Gold or Rose Gold or Silver or iPhone Black Jet - www.apple.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone SE Elephant Hippo, Stingray, Sea Snake with Gold Zodiac Inlaid. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, SE...

Exclusive Tuning by MJ - Apple iPhone SE Snake Skin - Exotic Leather Snake Mix - Mat and Glossy Polished. all customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE - www.apple.com. For individual order customization for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, SE, 15, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max etc.

Stingray Set Single Edition - iPhone Case, Belt and Watchstrap for Apple Watch by Art-Studio MJ. For individual order Case for Apple iPhone SE, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max - Space Grey, Jet Black, Silver, Gold, Rose Gold etc. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone

New Apple iPhone SE 2023 Diamond Inlaid Royal Alligator Leather Black. all customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE 2023 New - www.apple.com. For individual orders lex customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, SE...

Apple iPhone SE Black Python with Apple Black Gold Limited Edition. all customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE - www.apple.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, SE...

APPLE IPHONE SE GOLD 777K - ORIGINAL IPHONE SE with LUX TUNING by MJ. For customers private order original case made of solid gold 750 or platinum gold 777. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE / 5 / 5s / 6 / 6s / 7 / 8 / X / XR / XS / 11 / 12 / 13 / 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max -  64gb / 128gb / 256gb / 512gb / 1tb / 2tb.

WOOD EDITION - EXCLUSIVE CUSTOM-MADE by MJ. Made of Exotic Wood and For Individual Order Emblems Inalid Made of Precious Metals and Gems. Exotic Wood: Cocobolo, Wenga, Purple Heart, Black Palm, Bocote, Olivewood, Afzilia Burl, Kingwood, Padauk, Pink Ivory, Afzilia Snakeskin, Tulipwood, Tamarind Spalted, Ebony, Tiger Grain etc. For individual order lux customization for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, SE, 6, 7, 8, X, XR, XS,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16 etc. Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com, See also catalog of exclusive products of wood - www.wood.mj777.com

EXCLUSIVE APPLE IPHONE SE EXOTIC LEATHER LUX EDITION. Varanus, Python, Anaconda with Platinum, Palladium and White Gold with Inlaid Diamonds - Exclusive by MJ. For Individual Order Any Types of Exotic Skins - Alligator, Cobra, Hippo, Elephant, Stingray, Shark etc. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE or iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6s - www.apple.com

Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ for Original Apple iPhone
Original Apple iPhone SE / 16 Pro Max Wood Edition with Private Inlaid - Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ. Handmade tuning Made of Exotic Wood and Inlaid Zodiac Sign, Government Emblems and other Symbols. Types of Exotic Wood - Amaranth, Zebrawood, Ambonya Burl, Black & White Ebony, Goldrush Blackwood, Burmese Rosewood, Bamboo, Lignum Vitae, Grey Elder, Purple Buckeye, Clear Stabilized Wood etc. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE / 6 / 7 / 8 / X / XR / XS / 11 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 16 Pro Max - www.apple.com

APPLE iPHONE SE STONE EDITION - HANDMADE CASE & TUNING by MJ. MJ is the only company in the world are hand-made phones & hi-tech accessories from natural stone: marble, granite, turquoise, malachite, amethyst, beryl, alexandrite, jasper, tourmaline, opal, moonstone, topaz, agate, quartz, aventurine, tiger's eye, aquamarine, chariot, onyx, garnet, colored sapphires etc. For individual order inlaid arms, emblems, sign & other symbols of gold, platinum & gems. Based on the original Apple iPhone  - www.apple.com

Original Apple iPhone Fossil Wood Edition - Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ. Unique Rarest Materials Limited Edition Special for Apple iPhone SE Series or any other modifications. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE or 8 / X / XR / XS / 11 / 12 / 13 / 16 Plus / 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max  - www.apple.com

VIP Tuning for Apple iPhone 16 / 16 Pro / 16 Plus / iPhone 16 Plus Pro / SE - Exotic Leather Handmade Edition. Fur Pony Leopard, Genuine LeatherCrocodile and Python. With Inlaid Gold, Platinum and Diamonds
Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

Royal Apple iPhone SE / 16 Pro Max Diamond / iPhone 16 Diamond Edition - Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ. Only Handmade Inlaid Black and White Brilliants with Luxury Unique Cut. For Individual Orders Inlaid Any Gems - Sapphire, Rubies, Emeralds, Fancy Diamonds etc. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE or iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max - www.apple.com

Genuine Leather Apple iPhone SE / iPhone 16 Leather Edition - Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ. Crocodile, iguana, caiman, alligator, gavial, lizard, ostrich, kangaroo, python, cobra, karung, sea snake, anaconda, boa constrictor, elephant, hippo, fish, calf, deer, sheep, buffalo, shark, frog, toad, stingray, sea eel, mink, pony, fox, wolf, llama, wolverine, silver fox, sable, ermine and others. All skins CITES certified. For Individual Order Customize Inlaid Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Silver, Jewelry Brass etc. Based on the original Apple iPhone 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max / SE - www.apple.com

Exotic Leather Apple iPhone 16 Pro / 16 Pro Max / 16 Plus / 15 / SE Limited Edition - Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ. Genuine Exotic Leather - Python Original, Iguana Gold Bronze, Caiman Rock Original. See also catalog of Exotic Hides and Interior Skins - www.skin.mj777.com

Exclusive Tuning and Case by MJ for Original Apple iPhone 16 Alligator Head Hornback Leather. Only Unique Genuine Leather. Only Handmade. Only Individual Orders. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE etc.

VIP Case and Tuning by MJ - Original Apple iPhone SE / 16 Plus / iPhone 16 Pro White Caiman Leather Tail. Any Types of Leather, Any Color, Any Style, Any Design, For All Your Wishes. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone.

Original Apple iPhone
SE Ivory / Apple iPhone 16 Pro Ivory Diamond Edition Customize by MJ.
The world's first MJ company that manufactured tuning for the phones of genuine ivory bone & mammoth ivory. Back panel made from top quality Ivory. Frame, Buttons & Emblem made from Platinum Gold 888 and Gems. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone

Original Apple iPhone SE Amber / Apple iPhone 16 Pro Amber Edition with Gold Apple Inlaid Rubies. First In The World Released iPhone Made from Amber - Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ. For individual order VIP customization for any models of Amber Apple iPhone. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16 Pro Max - www.apple.com

Apple iPhone SE / iPhone 16 Iguana Gold Bronze XL Cross Platinum Religion Edition. For Individual Order Inlaid Any Religion Symbolic Made of Precious Metals. Exclusive Case and Tuning Single Edition by Art-Studio MJ

Exclusive Case MJ for Apple iPhone 16 Pro Onyx Stone with Logo Brown Diamond 999k. Front and Back Panel Made of Natural Solid Stone. Other Details Made of Palladium 24k. Based on the original Apple iPhone XS or SE - www.apple.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone.

APPLE IPHONE WHITE GOLD CROCODILE PRIVATE MJ EDITION. For customers private order inlaid any emblems, sign, initials etc of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16... Tuning made of genuine crocodile leather and solid white gold.

APPLE iPHONE BLUE DIAMOND RAREST 2011 MJ EDITION. The most expensive phone in the world. Made in a single copy for the vip client from Abu Dhabi. The cost of $ 24 million. Phone is made of gold, platinum and decorated with the rarest in the world - blue diamonds with unique cut. The back panel is made of ammolite - the most expensive organic gem - age more than 70 million years. The royal box made of mammoth ivory and decorated painite most rare mineral in the world. Based on the original Apple iPhone 4s 64gb - www.apple.com

APPLE IPHONE SILVER CROSS WOOD MJ EDITION. Natural Wood with Sterling Silver Cross, White Gold Plated
According to individual orders customization any models of phones, gadgets, tablets & smartphones. For customers private order inlaid any emblems, sign, initials etc of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 15...

APPLE IPHONE BLACKWOOD GEMS DAVID STAR MJ EDITION. Blackwood, Ebony & Opal David Star Inlaid Platinum and Diamonds. According to individual orders customization any models of iPhone SE, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...

UNIQUE APPLE iPHONE PEARL EDITION - VIP CUSTOMIZE by MJ. The world's first phone from the natural mother of pearl. Handmade Tuning by MJ. unique iphone single edition made from golden mother of pearl. inlaid brilliant apple. Based on the original Apple iPhone 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, X, 11, 12, 13,14 or other models - www.apple.com

LUXURY APPLE iPHONE IVORY EDITION by MJ. The world's first MJ company that manufactured tuning for the phones of genuine ivory bone. Back panel made from top quality Ivory. Frame, Buttons & Ukraine State Emblem made from White Gold 18к. For individual order luxury customization for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, 6, SE, 7,, 8, XS, XR, 11. 12. 13. 16 Pro Max etc.

Luxury Tuning for Apple iPhone SE Gold Diamond Genuine Leather - Orange Stingray, Pink Karung, Turquoise Iguana. Silver Fish 925, Gold Royal Lion Arms 750, Platinum Two Head Eagle Arms 950. iPhone 32gb / 64gb / 128gb / 256gb / 512gb / 1gtb. On individual orders customization of any models of iPhone SE, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...

VIP Royal Kit MJ Stingray Genuine Leather MJ Edition. Case for Apple iPhone (Any Size), Purse and USB Flash Drive Key Ring.
On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone SE, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...

Apple iPhone 32gb Gold Leather MJ VIP Box Edition - White Crocodile Skin Box
Luxury Custom-Made Apple iPhone Gold and Snake Leather by MJ.
Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com. Exclusive tuning made of snake leather, gold, diamond with vip box. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone.

MJ UNIQUE TUNING FOR PRIVATE ORDER - ORIGINAL APPLE iPHONE WOOD PRECIOUS EDITION. Platinum Apple, Rose Gold Ukraine Arms, Diamond Apple with Exotic Genuine Wood. Based on the original Apple iPhone SE, 6, 7, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16 or Any New Models - www.apple.com.

UNIQUE ROYAL CUSTOMIZATION by MJ for APPLE iPHONE IVORY EDITION. The world's first MJ company that manufactured tuning for the phones of genuine ivory bone and other unique fossil bone - Ivory, Mammoth, Walrus, Sperm Whale Tooth etc. Individual Customize - Engraving Kiev Arms, White Gold Ukraine Arms, Platinum Apple... Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

MJ LUXURY WOOD MODDING (ONLY ORIGINAL APPLE iPhone 16 Pro WOOD EDITION). Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com. Gold Diamond Apple, Platinum Russian Federation Arms, White Gold Ukraine Arms.

MJ LUXURY TUNING - WOOD  APPLE iPHONE SE / 16 Pro - ONLY ORIGINAL PHONE. Based on the original Apple iPhone 4S, 5S, SE, 6S, 7, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16 Pro Max... www.apple.com. natural exotic wood panel inlaid white gold & diamonds, apple, government arms, or zodiac sign

MJ Apple iPhone 4 Platinum Genuine Leather - Exotic Mix - Python Wild, Black Stingray, Fur Pony
LUXURY TUNING FOR APPLE IPHONE PLATINUM GENUINE LEATHER by MJ. Exotic Hides - Python Natural, Black Stingray, Fur Pony. For individual order VIP customization for any models of Apple iPhone. 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4, 4s, 5, 5c, 5s, se, 6, 6 plus, 6s, 6s plus, 7 plus, 7, 8 plus, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max etc.

Luxury Tuning for Apple iPhone or Any New Modification - Genuine Leather MJ Edition. Exotic Skins - Grey Ostrich, Pink Iguana, Black Crocodile and many more subspecies of exotic leather by MJ.

Luxury MJ Tuning for Apple iPhone Genuine Leather - Exotic Mix - Caramel Python, Natural Karung, Yellow Ostrich.
Individual orders (custom-made) religious symbols, encrusted zodiac signs, initials, coat of arms, state emblems and any other images of precious metals.

Handmade MJ Tuning for Apple iPhone - Gold Genuine Leather - Black Python, Natural Cobra, White Crocodile.
Inlaid on private demand. State Emblem of the USSR. Arms of the 2 Head Eagle.

Handmade Tuning MJ for Apple iPhone 4S / iPhone 16 Pro Swarovski / iPhone 16 Swarovski - MJ Limited Edition.
Inlaid Crystal Swarovski - www.swarovski.mj777.com or Fancy Diamond for Private Order VIP customization for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4s, 5s, se, 6s, 6s plus, 7. 8. 8 plus, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16...

Handmade Tuning MJ for Apple iPhone 4 vs Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max Swarovski Luxury Edition
handmade for private order - any emblems, any individual logos, any signs etc

MJ LUXURY STONE TUNING - ORIGINAL APPLE iPHONE STONE EDITION. MJ is the only company in the world are hand-made phones & hi-tech accessories from natural stone: marble, granite, turquoise, malachite, amethyst, beryl, alexandrite, jasper, tourmaline, opal, moonstone, topaz, agate, quartz, aventurine, tiger's eye, aquamarine, chariot, onyx, garnet, colored sapphires etc. Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

ORIGINAL APPLE iPHONE AMBER EDITION by MJ. iPhone Amber / iPhone 16 Pro Max Amber / iPhone 16 Pro Amber Edition. FIRST IN THE WORLD RELEASED IPHONE MADE FROM AMBER. See also other amber things & accessories - www.amber.mj777.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone

MJ HANDMADE COVERS - PRIVATE ORDER for APPLE iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus... genuine leather: python, alligator, shark, ostrich, sea eel, cobra, viper, elephant, hippo, rhino, boa, crocodile, etc. for individual order inlaid made of gold - any initials, sign, emblems etc.

MJ COVERS CROCODILE LEATHER FOR APPLE iPhone 16 Pro WITH GOLD INITIALS. For private order any initials, government emblems, zodiac sign etc made of gold. See also catalog handmade exclusive case & covers - www.case.mj777.com. For individual order luxury case for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max2...

UNIQUE WOODEN CASE FOR APPLE IPHONE with PRECIOUS METALS EMBLEMS. Luxury Hard Case Made from Natural Wood - Mahogany, Wenga, Blackwood, Cocobolo, Palm, Bocote, Burl Kingwood, Padauk, Tulipwood, Tamarind Spalted, Ebony, Tiger Grain, Zbrawood, Ambonya Burl, Marblewood, Bloodwood, Teal Violet Elder, Oasis, Purple Buckeye, Clear Stabilized Wood, Black Cherry, Karelian Birch, Pinkwood, Canary Wood, Olive Wood, Sonokeling, Burmese Rosewood, Zircote, Bocote, Bamboo, Red Maple etc. See also other luxury products made of wood - www.wood.mj777.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 and others.

MJ EXCLUSIVE SET - COVER FOR iPHONE, BAG, WALLET, CASE FOR AIRPODS, PURSE, CARD HOLDER, BELTS... all products made of genuine stingray leather or other exotic leather - crocodile, python, shark, ostrich etc
See also luxury bags & briefcase - www.bag.mj777.com, belts - www.belts.mj777.com, purse - www.wallets.mj777.com. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16...

MJ HANDMADE KEYCHAIN & COVER FOR APPLE iPHONE 1, 3G, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , 8+, X, SE, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus... Any size for private order. Cover made of genuine fur Pony, mink, leopard, cheetah, fox, sable... Keychain made of fur & steel, silver, platinum, palladium, gold etc - www.keychains.mj777.com. For individual order VIP covers for any models of Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, Apple MacBook and other Gadgets.

SOLID GOLD PHONE LIMITED EDITION - ONLY TUNING ORIGINAL APPLE IPHONE (NOT CASE). Tuning only original Apple iPhone. Bezel Frame & Logo made of Solid Gold 777. For individual order exclusive customization for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, SE, 6, 7, 8, 8 Plus, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max... Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

MJ LUXURY SET CROCODILE LEATHER. Unique Case for Apple iPhone and Exclusive Wallet. For individual order exclusive cases for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, 6, SE, 7, 8 plus, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max etc. See also exclusive catalog of luxury set by MJ - www.kit.mj777.com

LUXURY VIP BOX for EXCLUSIVE APPLE iPHONE by MJ. Elite handmade box single edition for private order - www.box.mj777.com. For individual order gift & jewelry box for any models of Apple iPhone - 2g, 3g, 4, 5, SE, 6, 7, 8, X, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16, 17 etc. and any other gadgets high quality by MJ.

UNIQUE CROCODILE LEATHER BOX. HANDMADE BOX for LUXURY APPLE iPHONE by MJ. Genuine crocodile leather with Gold Logo MJ and Diamond Inlaid - www.box.mj777.com. For individual order luxury box for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, SE & others.

MJ ROYAL SET SNAKE LEATHER - CASE FOR iPhone 16 Pro MAX, PURSE, CARDHOLDER, KEYCHAIN... made or genuine snake leather - cobra, python, karung, viper, anaconda, sea snake, boa...

Apple iPhone Diamond Leather Gold 888 Limited Edition with Micro USB Flash Drive
Unique Custom-Made Apple iPhone Decorated Lizard Skin with USB Key Flash Drive of Gold 888 Limited Edition. Gold Lion Zodiac Logo. For ​​any signs of the zodiac and the logo of the customer. See also catalog mj luxury usb flash drive - www.vip-flash.com

MJ Kit for iPhone SE, Leather Case with Key Ring. Made from Genuine Python Leather & Pure Silver or Gold. luxury case for phone - www.case.mj777.com, luxury key ring made of gold and leather - www.keychains.mj777.com

VIP Case MJ for Apple iPhone 16 / 13 / 12 / 11 / X / SE - Stingray Leather - Cross Rose Gold 585k with Grey Polished Skin.
By custom shell decorated with any religious symbols. Made from Solid Precious Metals. Orthodox and Catholic crosses, Star of David, the month of Islam and other religious symbols. For individual order luxury case for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, SE & others.

VIP Case MJ for Apple iPhone made of Stingray Leather with Arms Platinum Gold and Brilliants
For individual order luxury case for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6 & others

Cases for iPhone - Extreme Luxury Edition - Pink Red Gold 888, Diamonds, Exotic Leather - Stingray Pearl Black WY.
For individual order exclusive cases for any models of Apple iPhone Special Edition 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE & others. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone.

Extreme Luxury Cases for iPhone White Gold Platinum 777, Crystal Swarovski, Exotic Leather - Crocodile Pink Fuchsia Skin.
For individual order luxury covers for any models of Apple iPhone 16 and others.

Apple iPhone Lizard Pink Gold Leather SingleCopy
Tuning Phone Case for Apple iPhone - Lizard Pink Gold Leather MJ Single Copy. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 and others.

Apple iPhone 3G Gold Leather 777 Limited Edition
Tuning for Apple iPhone Gold Leather 777 Limited Edition
For individual order luxury customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 plus, 7, 6, SE, 5, 4, 3g, 2g & others. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone

VIP Case MJ for Apple iPhone - Exotic Leather Edition - Polished Stingray.
For individual order luxury covers for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 13 Pro, 12 Pro, 11 Pro, X, 8, 7, 7 plus, 6s, 6s plus, SE & others.

MJ Luxury Case for iPhone Carbon Fiber. Bespoke Encrusted Gold Logo for Private Order.
For individual order hi-tech case for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE & others.

WOODEN CASE MJ for ORIGINAL APPLE IPHONE SE / 16 Pro / 16 Pro MAX. Unique Cases Made from Genuine Exotic Wood - Blackwood, Mahogany etc  www.wood.mj777.com. for private order - individual engraving, etching, milling, carving, embossing etc - www.engraving.mj777.com. For individual order wooden case for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, SE & others.

Apple iPhone Diamond Gold Platinum 777 Limited Edition - Unique Brilliant 99 cut.
Unique Tuning for Apple iPhone Diamond Gold Platinum 777 Limited Edition - Unique Brilliant 99 cut. For individual order jewelry customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3g, 2g...

Apple iPhone 3G S 32gb Diamond Gold - Extreme Luxury Gold Mobile Phone - Carbon Case Decorated Pure Gold & Platinum. Inlaid Diamonds
Elite Bespoke Tuning for Apple iPhone Diamond Gold - Extreme Luxury Gold Mobile Phone by MJ. For individual order diamond customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3g, 2g...

Apple iPhone Luxury Case from Natural Crocodile Leather (Alligator Skin)
Luxury Case for Apple iPhone 16 Crocodile Edition. Made from Natural Crocodile Leather, Caiman & Alligator Skin. For individual order elite cases for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, SE & others models. See also catalog of handmade cases by MJ - www.case.mj777.com

Apple iPhone 3G 16gb Chess Diamond Edition
Bespoke Tuning for Apple iPhone - White & Black Diamond Chess Edition by MJ. For individual order elite customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE, 5, 4, 3g & others.

Apple iPhone 3G Art Edition
Art-Tuning for Apple iPhone - Art Edition: Classical Art-Paint - Bespoke Any Pictures by MJ. For individual order handmade art-paint customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X & others.

Apple iPhone 3G Gold Leather Stingray 999 MJ Edition
Luxury Modding For Apple iPhone - Solid Gold & Leather of Stingray MJ Edition. For individual order modding for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, 5, SE, 4, 3G, 2G & others.

Apple iPhone 3G Russian Hohloma Art Paint Edition, Denis Simachev Style
Luxury Tuning for Apple iPhone Russian Hohloma Art Paint Edition, Denis Simachev Style. For individual order handcrafted customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE, 3G & others.

Apple iPhone 3GS Diamond Gold - Extreme Luxury Gold Mobile Phone - Carbon Case Decorated Pure Gold & Platinum. Inlaid Diamonds
Extreme Tuning for Apple iPhone Diamond Gold - Extreme Luxury Gold Mobile Phone. For individual order elite cases for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 Pro, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, SE, 3G & others.

Apple iPhone Luxury Case from Natural Crocodile Leather (Cayman Skin)
Genuine Leather Case for Apple iPhone 16 Pro - from Real Crocodile Skin by MJ. For individual order elite cases for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 13 Mini, 12, 11, X, SE & others.

Original Apple iPhone 4G - Gold Luxury Edition by MJ - Yellow Gold 777
Unique Tuning by MJ for Original Apple iPhone 16 vs iPhone SE - iPhone Solis Gold Luxury Edition by MJ. Exclusive Premium Phone Made of Solid Yellow Gold 777 with Jewelry Box Limited Edition. For individual order exclusive iPhone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE, 3G & others.

MJ TUNING ORIGINAL PHONE (NOT CASE) PRECIOUS METALS APPLE IPHONE. phone frames and logos made of white gold, pink gold, yellow gold, platinum, palladium etc. back panel modding made of genuine exotic leather - sea snake, crocodile, ostrich, python etc. All luxury phones based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com. For individual order luxury customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, SE & others.

Genuine Wood - Mahogany, Blackwood, Amaranth, Zebrano, Canarywood, Sonokeling, Pinkwood, Karelian Birch etc. See also luxury wooden products - www.wood.mj777.com

MJ EXCLUSIVE SET OF COVER & BELT STINGRAY LEATHER. See also luxury belts - www.belts.mj777.com, luxury covers - www.case.mj777.com, unique sets - www.kit.mj777.com

EXCLUSIVE BOX FOR APPLE IPAD & APPLE IPHONE. Genuine Python Leather with Gold Inlaid. For individual order VIP boxes for any models of Apple iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE... See also catalog of luxury boxes handmade edition - www.box.mj777.com

 Apple iPhone Titan Ostrich Leather Brown with White Original Mobile Case
White Original Mobile Case MJ Edition for Apple iPhone - Titan Ostrich Leather Brown.
For individual order elite case & customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE, 3G & others.

 Apple iPhone 3G 16gb Black Platinum Gold 777 with Snake Python Mobile Case
Snake Python Mobile Case for Apple iPhone - Platinum Gold 777k Tuning.
For individual order exclusive covers for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE, 3G & others.

MJ Apple Silver iPhone Python Leather and Golden Mobile Phone Case from Genuine Crocodile Leather
Golden Mobile Phone Case from Genuine Crocodile Leather & Python Tuning for Apple iPhone 16. For individual order VIP cases & covers for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE, 3G and others.

MJ EXCLUSIVE SET -  COVER FOR IPHONE, PURSE & BELTS. made of genuine snake leather with solid gold incrusted. See also unique covers - www.case.mj777.com, belts - www.belts.mj777.com, purse - www.wallets.mj777.com, luxury sets - www.set.mj777.com

PRIVATE CUSTOMIZE APPLE iPHONE ZODIAC EDITION by MJ. Any Zodiac iPhone Made of Wood, Leather, Stone, Gems, Fur, Bone, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Carbon etc. Only for Individual Order. Only Handmade. Only Original Apple Phone. Only Precious Materials. For individual order custom design for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, SE and others.

APPLE iPHONE MOTHER OF PEARL BLACK EDITION by MJ. Exclusive Case and Tuning by MJ - Original Apple iPhone made of Black Mother of Pearl. Based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com. For individual order customization for any models of Apple iPhone 12 Pro, 11, XS Max, XR, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, SE and others.

Luxury Set Exotic Bird Leg Leather - Watchstrap and Smartphone Case. Luxury suite for iPhone out of the case and strap watches leather legs of birds. Leather peacock, eagle, turkey, hawks, asian chicken, neck, eagle etc. For individual order VIP customization for any models of Apple iPhone & Apple Watch - www.watch.mj777.com

Golden iPhone SE with Diamond Apple by MJ Customize. Gold iPhone SE. The phone is completely made ​​of solid cast gold (not gold plated). Logo adorned with real diamonds. Gift box with a diamond ID. Unique model based on the original Apple iPhone SE, with upgrade to 128 GB, 1tb and more - www.apple.com. For individual order VVIP phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE and others.

Apple iPhone Individual Customize Altcom Edition - Alligator Leather with White Gold 750 and Hot Enamel. Apple IPhone SE in an exclusive alligator skin with inlaid logo Altcom of white gold and enamel. Personalized phones and accessories. Customize IPhones or covers inlaid with your company logo. The ideal corporate gifts. To guide the logo of platinum, gold or silver for the personnel, etc. The phone is made from a variety of luxurious materials - leather, wood, gold, diamonds ... For individual order corporate customization for any models of Apple iPhone 12 Pro, 12 Pro Max, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, SE and others.

MJ EXCLUSIVE HANDMADE CASE WITH PRIVATE INITIALS & UNIQUE KEY RING. Exclusive keychains and cases of handmade leather karung, sea snake, cobra, python, viper, boa... According to custom initials and charms made ​​of gold, platinum - www.keychains.mj777.com. For individual order luxury case for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, SE and others.

Exclusive Tuning by MJ for Apple iPhone Exotic Leather Ostrich Blue, Pearl Stingray, Military Karung
For individual order exclusive phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE and others.

Exclusive Tuning by MJ for Apple iPhone Diamond Gold Solid with Exotic Leather CITES. all customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com. For individual order elite phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, SE and others.

Elite Tuning by MJ for Apple iPhone SE / iPhone 16 / iPhone 16 Pro Zodiac Edition Exotic Skin - Red Fish, Black Hippo, Indian Cobra. For individual order VIP phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X. 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, SE and others.

Elite Tuning by MJ for Apple iPhone SE Exotic Skin - Green Toad, Pink Alligator, Yellow Fish. All customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE - www.apple.com. For individual order VIP phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, XS, 8s Plus, 8s, 7s Plus, 7s, 6s, 5s, 4s, SE, 3g, 2g and others.

Elite Customize by MJ - iPhone SE Precious Metals Exotic Skin - Brown Shark, Stingray Pink Gold, Pony Leopard. all customize phones based on the original Apple iPhone SE - www.apple.com. For individual order phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, SE and others.

Python Leather Set - Small Bag Macbook Air or Pro, Case for Tablet iPad Pro and iPhone 16 Pro or Other Models by MJ. Exclusive set of envelope bags for Apple MacBook, for the tablet Apple iPad Pro or Air and smartphone Apple iPhone 12 or 12 Pro Max. All their products are produced luxury python, cobra, stingray, ostrich, conger eel, crocodile, alligator, hippo, shark ... By custom any color and grade copyright handmade accessories.

VIP Customization Genuine Leather for Apple iPhone Blue Exotic Skin with Jewelry Individual Inlay. Unique Apple iPhone in the blue frog skin with the emblem of Ukraine of pure gold. Individual orders all kinds of colors and exotic skins - python, lizard, crocodile, stingray, eel ... And inlay any signs, emblems, emblems of white gold, yellow, red, pink and black. Phones based on the original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, SE and others. - www.apple.com

Luxury Cover for Apple iPhone 16 Plus & iPhone 16 Pro Max Made of Genuine Crocodile leather with Gold or Platinum. Individual orders of any design, colors and type of exotic skins from the Art Studio MJ

Luxury Customization Apple iPhone and Apple iPad - Elite Set Made of Exotic Leather Fish Skin. Luxury suites of customized phone Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, SE and tablet Apple iPad Air or iPad Pro in the same style. Kits are made in all kinds of colors and exotic fish skin, ostrich, calf, crocodile, cobra... Emblem tuned by special technology contour illumination, i.e. illuminates only the shell of an apple. Tuned products based on the original Apple iPhone & Apple iPad - www.apple.com

Crocodile Tail Side Leather & Caiman BackStrap Leather - Tuning Apple iPhone by MJ Studio. Exclusive iPhones tuned into the skin of the tail of a crocodile and caiman skin with thorns by MJ. According to individual order any texture and colors reptile leather for all models Apple iPhone.

Genuine Crocodile Lux Leather Case for Apple Phone 16 Pro and Credit Cards Holder. Exclusive cases for smartphones Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE... Crocodile leather with pockets for credit cards. Individual orders all kinds of exotic leather - crocodile, alligator, python, shark, stingray, lizard, cobra... Luxurious covers are available in any design of leather of all colors.

Unique Ukrainian Case for Apple iPhone -  Made of SPH, Leather, Gold Cast or Platinum Cast by MJ. Exclusive Case for Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, SE and others.in the form of Ukrainian flag with the emblem of solid gold and ceramics. According to custom the unique cases with any pictures and colors of precious materials.

Unique Design Cases for Apple iPhone State Flag Edition with Individual Precious Materials Symbols Inlay by MJ. Cases for iPhone in the form of the flag of Russia, Germany, Monaco and all other states of leather premium. And of course inlaid in platinum, gold and diamonds emblems, logos, signs and any other symbols. According to custom unique cases for Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, SE and others custom handmade by MJ

Luxury Case for Apple iPhone 16 Rose Pink Crimson Python Leather with Personalization White Gold Lion by MJ. Individual orders any color exotic leather inlay any images.

Luxury Customization by MJ -  Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16, X, SE New Genuine Exotic Leather & Precious Metals. Crocodile, Python, Ostrich, Lizard, Tripe, Caiman, Beavers Tail, Karung, Sea Eel, Frog, Fish, Shark, Hippo, Elephant, Anaconda, Alligator, Toad, Rhino, Snake, Gavial, Fish, Emu etc. Customization Emblem or Any Symbols of Gems, Yellow Gold, Red Gold, Pink Gold, White Gold, Black Gold, Silver, Palladium, Platinum etc. Phones based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

Customization by MJ - Elite Apple iPhone Python Hologram, Royal Frog Blue, Black American Alligator Skins. Elite Apple iPhone 6s in natural leather Python, Frog, Alligator, Ostrich, Elephant, Hippopotamus, Bird Leg, Anaconda... Individual orders all kinds of candle colors and exotic and classic leather. Phones based on the original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, 5, SE New and others  - www.apple.com

Luxury Apple iPhone Crocodile Leather, Alligator Leather, Caiman Leather etc. Exclusive Apple iPhone SE 2022, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X in any kinds of crocodile skin. Customization by MJ. Any colors and types of crocodile, caiman, alligator, niloticus, porosus, cariusis, gharial etc. In the art-studio MJ the largest collection in the world, more than 5000 different types of leather and fur - www.skin.mj777.com. Phones based on the original Apple iPhone 16 & iPhone 16 Pro Max - www.apple.com

Customization Color Light Emblem Apple for Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3G, 2G, SE... Black Snakes Skin. Glowing logo of all colors. Apple logo lights white, yellow, pink, red, green, blue, or blue light. By custom emblem "Apple" or any other personal image with illumination. Phones are based only on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

VIP Customization by MJ - Apple iPhone Gold Logo with Exotic Leather - Sea Snake, Blue Caimanus, Red Fish... Individual orders all kinds of colors and types of exotic leather - crocodile, alligator, shark, ostrich, lizard, elephant ... Phones based on the original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, SE and others. - 32gb / 64gb / 128gb / 256gb / 512gb - www.apple.com

Lux Customized Phones - Apple iPhone Exotic - Python, Stingray, Tripe Bison etc. Tuned Phones iPhone 16 in the skin of python, stingray, stomach bison and other exotics leather. And Tune emblems of precious metals with white and black diamonds or any gems. Phones based on the original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, XS, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, SE and others - www.apple.com

MJ EXTREME WILD CROCODILE COVER FOR APPLE iPhone 16 Pro & APPLE iPhone 16 Pro Max. cover Made of wild crocodile hornback tail wild leather with rock bone. See also other luxury cases for mobile phones - www.case.mj777.com

Pink Python Leather Kit - Hand Bag, Book Cover for Apple iPad Pro and Case for Apple Phone 16 Pro. Exclusive hand bag, pouch-book for tablet Apple iPad Air, Pro, Mini and case for phone Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE and others. All products are produced from leather anaconda, python, boa, viper, rattlesnake any color.

Exclusive MJ Cases for Apple iPhone 8 or 15 Series - Cases Made of Royal Frog, Caiman, Crocodile etc. For inlay apply only precious metals and precious stones - diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds etc. By custom inlay of any sign, logo, nameplate, emblem and any other symbols.

Exclusive Cases MJ Customize Edition for Apple iPhone Exotic Leather of Fish, Lizard, Python Skins. Handmade covers for Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 15, SE and others.from genuine skins of fish, iguana and python with personalization gold. Individual orders all kinds of colors and exotic leather with inlay any emblems and signs.

Elite Cases MJ Customize Edition for Apple iPhone Leather of Black Sea Eel, Grey Sea Snake, Black Hippo Skins. By custom inlay emblems of different countries and cities of the precious metals and stones - inlaid red, yellow and white gold with diamonds. For individual order luxury phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, SE and others.

Gold Apple Watch Series 1-8 with Gold Apple iPhone 6-15 Pro Max - Gold Customization by MJ. Apple Watch smart watches and phones Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, SE and others in buildings made of real gold 18k or 24k. By custom manufacturing of cases for any Apple products of real gold cast or platinum cast. All exclusive tuning products based only on the original products Apple - www.apple.com

Tiger Stingray Leather Case for Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus - Elite Customization by MJ. On special request, any color and species of exotic skins. Only handcrafted & individual order. All customized phones based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com

MJ Handcrafted Braided Leather Case for Apple iPhone 8 and Apple iPhone 8 Plus or Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max. Only Premium Quality Genuine Skin by MJ - www.skin.mj777.com

Exclusive Trinket & Case for Any Model Apple iPhone. Any Size, Design and Color for Custom Order by MJ. Natural Green Reptile Crocodilians Leather Handcrafted with SM Monogram of White Gold. For individual order luxury covers and accessories for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max...

VIP Customization by MJ - Apple iPhone 16 Pro / SE Silver and Gold with Classic and Exotic Leather. Inlay State Emblem or Any Emblems of Gold or Silver Cast. For Elite Inlay Diamonds. For individual order VIP phone customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, SE 2 and others.

Exclusive Ultra Kit Exclusive Smartphone Apple iPhone and Accessories by MJ. Platinum Gold Finding  & Genuine Crocodile Leather. On individual orders customization of any models of Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, 16 Pro, 16 Plus, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8 Plus, 8, 7 Plus, 7, SE 2 and others. Custom-made any gadgets & accessories - Case for Phone, Case for Apple AirPods, Watchstrap for Apple Watch etc.

Exclusive Sea Eel Leather Cover for Apple iPhone 6s or 7 or 8 or iPhone 16 Pro Religion Edition by MJ. Individual orders all kinds of colors and leather inlaid with gold, platinum and gold. stones. See also the catalog of exclusive products of religious subjects - www.religion.mj777.com

Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, SE - iPhone Arabian Edition MJ Single Copy - Dark Blue Crocodile Leather with Platinum Inlay. VIP Box made of Original Black Alcantara and Genuine Reptile Leather by MJ - www.box.mj777.com

Golden Apple iPhone 16 and Golden Keychain in Black Classic VIP Box of Genuine Skin by MJ. Customization for any models of Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE... On bespoke inlay any emblems of solid gold or platinum.

Apple iPhone 16 Pro Limited Edition Ukraine Alternative Unique Design by MJ.
Original Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, 8, 7, 6, SE New - Customization by MJ (Not Cover. Not Case. This is Customization Phone). Made of Natural Crocodile Leather and Platinum Gold 777k.

Luxury Case for Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, X, SE - Case Made of Genuine Karung Leather with Ukraine Emblem of Gold. By custom order - covers made from leather any color and inlaid any emblems, monograms, symbols and signs of precious metals.

Apple Air Power - Custom Design Made by MJ - Genuine Pink Leather with Platinum Apple iPhone 16 or 16 Pro. Wireless and contactless charging in pink bison skin with platinum bezel frame of Apple iPhone 16 Pro
Under individual orders, gymnastics and other accessories are decorated with leather of any kind and colors.
For tuning and customization of chargers and phones is based only on the original Apple products - www.apple.com

Classic Leather Customization with Light Logo and Symbols for Apple iPhone 16 Luxury Customization by MJ. Exclusive smartphones Apple iPhone X with a luminous Apple logo or any other illuminated symbolism.
On individual orders tuning phones with a light-block and any other luminous images.
It is also possible to personalize by engraving, embossing, inlaying, milling, inlaying ...
Customization and tuning of smartphones is carried out only on the basis of Apple's proprietary products.

Many Different Skin Colors - Only Genuine Leather for Customization Case for Apple iPhone 16, 15, 14, SE... Exclusive covers for Apple iPhone made of genuine premium leather. In the Art Studio MJ in the presence of more than 5000 different types and colors of classical and exotic leather - www.skin.mj777.com. Cases and cases for iPhone New Models from the skin of ostrich, crocodile, alligator, caiman, python, cobra, anaconda, deer, bison, varanus, iguana, stingray, shark, hippopotamus, elephant, frog, sea snake, sea eel, karung and other species.

Luxury Case for Apple iPhone 16 Ultra - Cover of Genuine Cobra Leather with Platinum Gold UAE State Emblem by MJ. Exclusive Apple iPhone Ultra from the skin of a black cobra with the Emblem of the United Arab Emirates of platinum gold and jewelry enamel. On individual orders, covers of any kind of leather with inlay of any symbolism made of precious metals. Exclusive tuning of phones and manufacture of luxury covers is carried out for any models Apple iPhone.

Coques uniques faites à la main pour Apple iPhone 16 en cuir d'iguane noir avec un emblème en or 18 carats. Dans des cas individuels, les cas pour Apple iPhone 16 et 16 Pro de tous types et couleurs de cuir exotique. L'incrustation de monogrammes, emblèmes, signes du zodiaque, symboles corporatifs et autres symboles en métaux précieux est possible.
VIP Handcrafted Case for Apple iPhone 16 - made of Lizard Black with UA Gold by MJ

Commandes individuelles réglage professionnel iPhone série 16, 15, 14... Tous les produits de syntonisation exclusifs sont basés uniquement sur les produits Apple d'origine - www.apple.com.
VIP Exotic Leather Customization Apple iPhone 16 Case made of Lizard Skin Pink with Personalization by MJ

N'importe quelle coque design pour Apple iPhone 16 Pro Fabriquée à la main en cuir exotique véritable de raie, crocodile, alligator, caïman, cobra, python, requin, bison, cerf, iguane, lézard, éléphant, hippopotame, etc. Sur commande individuelle, n'importe quelle couleur et sous-espèce de cuir exotique - www.skin.mj777.com
VIP Luxury Case made of Polished Stingray Leather for Apple iPhone 16 Pro and Pro Max by MJ.

Sur commande individuelle, tout modèle de smartphone de tout type et couleur de cuir exotique avec personnalisation de métaux précieux et de pierres précieuses. Les téléphones sont basés uniquement sur l'Apple iPhone 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max, 16 Plus, 16 d'origine ou, au choix du client, sur tout autre modèle d'iPhone Apple - www.apple.com.
Custom-Made Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max of Red Snake Skin with 777k Gold Deutschland State Emblem by MJ.


A R T - S T U D I O

+380949474650  (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram),
+380505223330,    +380487879595,



See also other catalogs by Art-Studio MJ:

Catalog MJ USB Flash Drive Luxury Edition - www.vip-flash.com
Catalog MJ Super Laptops & Accessories - www.notebook777.com
Catalog MJ Apple iPhone Luxury Edition - www.iphone-luxury.com
Catalog MJ Mobile Phone Cases Luxury Edition - www.case.mj777.com
Catalog MJ Vertu Tuning & Modding Photnes - www.vertu.mj777.com
Catalog MJ Unique Mouses Luxury Edition - www.mouse.mj777.com
Catalog MJ Products of Limited Edition - www.single-copy.com
Official Site Catalog Art Studio MJ - www.mj777.com


All exclusive products are handmade by individual orders.
Worldwide delivery is carried out by any of the courier companies
FedEx, DHL, UPS, EMS, UPS, Private Couriers...



+380949474650  (Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram)
+380505223330,   +380487879595

All trademarks and any other recorded data belong to their rightful owners
All information is registered and protected by copyright law. Patents, licenses,
inventions, logos, pictures, images.... State Department of Intellectual Property.
Certificates # 34 637, # 114 619, # 119 643. Patents, # 38 297, # 38 298.

All phones based on the original Apple iPhone - www.apple.com
* iPhone & iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. & other countries.